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Пятно кальцинированной соды в межсезонье не светлое, пиковый сезон не процветает, вероятность недавней стабилизации выше



On June 27, the total inventory of domestic soda ash enterprises was 939,000 tons (including the external inventory of some manufacturers), which increased by 6% compared with the inventory of June 20 and 151.1% compared with the same period last year, among which the heavy inventory was 460,200 tons, increasing by 5.9% compared with the inventory of June 20. This week, the overall starting load of soda soda manufacturers is still high, the market supply is sufficient, the new single follow-up situation is general, and the overall inventory of manufacturers continues to increase.

The overall starting load of soda soda manufacturers has increased, and the market supply has increased. During the month, the futures disk price has declined, the market trading atmosphere is not smooth, middlemen more active shipment, part of the current business price advantage. Downstream users have general purchasing enthusiasm, take goods at low prices, purchase on demand, and have obvious sentiment of soda ash. Ash ash manufacturers within the month shipment pressure increased, some manufacturers inventory continued to pick up, flexible orders for shipment.

Glass market volume price is weak, the price of many places generally moved down, the transaction month, part of the production and sales rate is low. In the month, some demand in the northern region improved slightly, but the supply increased slightly, the current supply in the superposition period impacted the market, the transaction in the middle and late days was generally weak, the production and sales rate in Shahe region continued to be low, and the enterprise inventory increased rapidly. The rain in the southern area is more, and the terminal construction is affected to some extent. Although some production lines have stopped production, the good news is limited, and the transaction continues to be general. In June, in the middle and lower reaches continue to digest their own inventory, wait and see the strong, there is expected to be a certain replenishment demand in July, but most will still be their own orders. From the current market situation, the public construction home decoration project order feedback improved in May, residential project orders are still lacking, focusing on the improvement of downstream processing plant orders in July. Capacity continues to shrink this month. By the end of June, it is estimated that there are 307 float glass production lines (excluding a few zombies and relocated production lines), 249 in production, with a daily melting capacity of 169,565 tons, down 2950 tons compared with last month (revised 172515), an increase of 1.29% compared with the same period last year.5 production line cold repair / production, 1 new ignition, 5 lines of production.

В настоящее время в провинциях Хэнань Цзюньхуа и Цзянсу Цзиншэнь на заводе в Тяньцзине есть план технического обслуживания на июль, и в сезон высоких температур наблюдается определенная нестабильность в поставках кальцинированной соды. Благодаря росту спроса на фотоэлектрическое стекло высокий спрос сохранил тенденцию роста. Спрос на легкую переработку является слабым, энтузиазм потребителей по переработке товаров не высок. В июле на внутренний рынок еще поступает часть импортных товаров, образующих определенное дополнение к внутреннему источнику товаров.

В последнее время поставки кальцинированной соды поддерживаются на высоком уровне, предприятий по планированию технического обслуживания не так много. Производители кальцинированной соды имеют большие запасы и высокую концентрацию, а запасы в основном сосредоточены на северо-западе, юго-западе и Северном Китае. В сезон высоких температур в июле существует некоторая неопределенность в поставках кальцинированной соды. После того, как цена на кальцинированную соду снизится, готовность последующих пользователей пополнить запасы увеличится. (Чистая щелочь)

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